Fur News




Name: Jess

How long you been about Fur: I think since October 2014…

Where’d you come from: I was at Biba.

Where you at: qualified been hairdressing for 8 years. I hated school and needed an escape plan…. ;)

Fave styles to do: I love colouring, and I like foils probably because I like zoning out while I do it.

What’s your daily commute like: I live in Fitzroy North so I catch the tram in.

Last thing you listened to on your iPod: I listen to soundcard… lots of stuff but no pop music. I also just bought a bunch of records: Flaming Lips, Worlds End Press and a bunch of others.

Last shopping splurge: Probably my Birkenstocks!

What’s doing after work: I’m going to the movies I think to see the Hobbit, the 3rd one.